Summer updates

During this time of educational disruption, Generations Incorporated remains committed to serving the literacy needs of our youngest students. Now, more than ever, we must ensure that students have access to consistent, targeted literacy support and caring inter-generational mentorship.

As COVID-19 safety concerns persist, we are leveraging our partnerships across Boston and across the nation to deliver our program virtually this Fall.

The virtual program will be highly flexible and adaptable, offering students support whether schools are fully remote, fully in-person, or on a staggered schedule.

Through video sessions, our literacy tutors will meet with students one on one throughout the year to support their reading development. By working together on the screen, tutors will still be able to coach students in their reading skills, provide them encouragement, and give them the opportunity to spend more time learning with a trusted and caring adult.

Although we have every intention to return to an in-person model when it is safe to do so, we firmly believe that a virtual program model is the best and safest way to provide continuity during this uncertain time.

COVID-19 has exacerbated the problem of “summer slide,” or students falling behind during summer vacation, making programs such as ours critical to guiding students through this crisis.

We know more students are in need of our services and we are actively recruiting new volunteers to join us in this work in the fall.


Our continued commitment to racial justice


Lighting the Spark 2020