2021 Annual report
A note from leadership
Image from the Staff Holiday Trivia Night.
This was in many ways the theme of fiscal year 2021 for Literations. In the spring, we unveiled our new name, Literations, at the annual Lighting the Spark event. We had been Generations Incorporated for over two decades, but we were ready to reinvent ourselves—still preserving our passion for student literacy and bridging the generations between our older volunteers and younger readers, but also now reflecting our expanding mission.
2021 also came with many transformations and changes. As so many of us know, the COVID-19 pandemic remained a pivotal challenge for our students and volunteers. As our students returned to the classroom, we continued to adapt. We revamped our program to allow for fully hybrid learning, ensuring we can provide each school, volunteer, and reader full support, flexibility, and security. With disruptions risking the progress of children across the region, we broadened our focus to include fourth graders, and introduced a new model for pre-fluent students through the Emergent Reader program.
We have many of our donors and partners to thank for the ability to transform our efforts, continuing our evolution into a bigger, better Literations. Our second ever virtual Lighting the Spark fundraiser brought in over $120,000, supporting us with the many increased infrastructure costs that come with hybrid operations. Many of our funding partners once again saw the unique challenges of this tumultuous period and stepped up to empower us, as they have always done.
We have always put community first. As we continue to navigate the future ahead, know that will never change. Literations grows from the seed Generations Incorporated planted, and it is gratifying to see that through it all, our bond too only grows stronger, tighter—and moreover, more essential to everything that we do.
Thank you for being a part of that community. Together, we will continue to lift up our students. We will continue to provide our volunteers the opportunity to do the same. We will continue to meet the moment, the same targeted literacy interventions and nurturing intergenerational mentorship we always have.
Wes Enicks
Executive Director
Our core values
When Generations Incorporated became Literations, we changed more than our name. With our new logo and a new array of colors, we forged a new brand identity. We also honed our organization's values to align with our future vision.
Introducing: EPIC, an acronym that signifies both the strength of these values and the passion in which our internal community believes in them. They include:
We foster welcoming environments and value diverse contributions.
We actively confront educational inequity.
We create a fighting chance for all kids.
We unleash potential.
We believe the sky’s the limit for all children.
We challenge ourselves to be and do our best.
We lift up our community.
We motivate kids to be bold and find their voices.
We help children build the foundation for a brighter future.
We put people first.
We build meaningful, authentic relationships.
We generate trust by acting with integrity and grace.
Program update
Guiding young readers through the pandemic
FY 2021 was a pivotal year. For the first time in Literations’ history, we served students virtually in order to protect the safety of our community during the pandemic. We met a key priority of our Read to Grow Strategic Plan by standardizing our program to facilitate expansion. We streamlined our 1:1 and small group programs into a single 1:1 model called the Sustained Tutoring Program.
Literations engaged 160 literacy coaches to serve 244 1st-3rd grade students in Boston Public Schools (BPS) during the 2020-2021 school year. During a time of unprecedented disruption, our model was highly unique in offering 1:1 virtual support at this scale. Even as MCAS results showed a wide-scale decrease in reading proficiency over the course of the school year, a significant percentage of Literations’ students were able to maintain or improve their reading skills. Despite a tumultuous year, teachers reported that 77% of Literations’ students improved their social-emotional skills thanks to caring, intergenerational mentorship.
COVID-19 brought many disruptions to our schools and students, but through it all, we were there.
Literations focused on going deeper, not wider. Our Sustained Tutoring Program maximizes student outcomes and features:
1:1 student/coach pairing
Twice-weekly, 30-minute sessions that are highly structured
The nationally recognized Reading A-Z Curriculum.
A focus on three fundamental skills: fluency, comprehension, and vocabulary
That first skill, fluency, is key. Fluency provides a critical bridge between word recognition and comprehension. A focus on fluency allows students to unlock ideas within the text and connect them to their accumulated knowledge, so they gain confidence and become better readers.
Looking ahead
In Fiscal Year 2022, Literations is offering both hybrid and in-person programs. We have also launched the Emergent Reader Program to benefit our youngest, pre-fluent students. Following the same structure and curriculum as our standard program, ERP focuses on building a child’s sight word mastery and automaticity—the key to getting to the fluency stage. Research shows that 100 sight words (building block words such as “the,” “he,” “on,” and “is”) make up 50% of all written text.
FY 2021 virtual program
at a glance
Deepening our commitment to equity
In 2021, Literations deepened our commitment to our diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) journey that began in 2018. We believe this work is vital to fulfilling our vision of ensuring that all young readers, regardless of zip code, attain the literacy skills needed for success in the classroom and beyond.
Literations’ new Racial Justice & Equity Committee held its first meeting in the spring of 2021. The nine-member committee is composed of staff, volunteers, and a board member. Its objective is to drive the organization’s commitment to equity, act as oversight, and hold Literations accountable to its DEI goals. Some of the committee’s initial work includes:
Building upon our volunteer cultural responsiveness training to ensure that there is space to discuss DEI issues throughout the school year.
Examining Literations’ volunteer recruitment and onboarding process to highlight DEI.
During this past year, Literations began collaborating with 826 Boston, Boston Partners in Education, and a number of other organizations partnering with Boston Public Schools (BPS) in order to develop a district-wide cultural responsiveness training for all volunteers serving BPS. Our collaborative has secured initial seed funding to pursue this project. We look forward to continuing this work to advance equity beyond the reach of any of our individual organizations.
Our volunteers
Thank you to our 148 dedicated volunteer literacy coaches who served during FY 2021 (July 1, 2020 - June 30, 2021).
Our team of volunteer literacy coaches is at the heart of our work at Literations. Through new technology and new systems, despite disruptions and covid complications, they continued to make lifelong impressions on our students and nurture a love of learning and reading.
We are so grateful for the dedication of everyone in the list below, and thank them for their commitment through this challenging period.
Digital Program Coordinators
Marissa Clark
Michelle Garza
Georgia Moore
Delaney Palma
Nina Vansuch
Charles H. Taylor Elementary School, Mattapan
Charmaine Barrett
Rosetta Burns
Peggy Cohn
Yvonne Desmond
Cheryl Dockser
Charlene Drayton
Marsha Gerstein
Carol Lammers
Alice Lanckton
Marvina M. Palazzola
Elaine Randolph-Jones
Julia Ruiz
Janet Stewart
Maureen Trainor
Mary Walker
Josephine Watson*
Karen Wontan
Stephen Wright
F. Lyman Winship Elementary School, Brighton
John Aram
Carol Boggs
Karen Dale
Betty Davidson*
Meti Debela
Sheila Ercolini
Suzanne Federspiel
Celeste Finison
Tanya Gurian
Kathleen Haschak
Nancy Siegel
Barbara Simonetti
Sally Tso
Regina Wright
Martin Luther King Jr. K-8 School, Dorchester
Rahiel Bernard*
Lisa Besen
Phyllis Carlson
June Diamond
Gretchen Dietz
Jane Driscoll
Leslie Fishman
Karen Jones
Madeline Levine
Debbie Lubarr
Linda Mahdee
Gweneth Mitchell
John Moulton
John O'Neil
Joyce Rene
Shirley Royster
Ann Seligsohn
Marianne Stanton
Norma Steinberg
Rosemary Walton
Mildred Avenue K-8 School, Mattapan
Barbara Clanton
Dorice Dionne
Marsha Frankel
Gloria Green*
Marie Hennessey
Sheila Jackson
Diana Kinch
Jacqueline Mcclain
Barbara Moschella
Beth Rubenstein
Sheila Stewart
Diane Suda
Priscilla Troupe
Patrick Lyndon Pilot School, West Roxbury
Steven Blum
Barbara Burg
Marguerite Collins
Julie Dalton
T. Jane Gabriel
Vicki Glenn
Michael Guigli
Stacey Isles
Yuzhao Lin
Eileen Milien
Lynne Mooney
Christina Quarles
Shirley Royster*
Janet Sargent-Tracy
Steven Siegel
Ray Wellbaum
Jenny Yan
William Blackstone Innovation School, South End, Boston
Paula Andreottola*
Margaret Arneaud
Emily Bagley
Donna Bowden
Eric Bradlee
Deborah Carrow
Ellen Demers
Victor Derosa
Joy Elbaum
Ruby Hill-Porter
Gregory Mailloux
Susan Maltz
Chris McDaniel
Marguerite Murphy
David O'Brien
Emily Paul
Karin Segal
Barbara Sommerfeld
Gonca Sonmez-Poole
Janet Van Zandt
Maureen Willett
William Monroe Trotter K-8 School, Dorchester
Deyanira Ana Ainsworth
Rosemarie Derosa
Joyce Foster
Kathleen Kenney
Patricia Larts*
Leslie Middleton
Tjendrawani Ong Dahl
Patricia Smith
Cardicia Welcome
Young Achievers Science & Math K-8 School, Mattapan
Ruth Andrews
Kathleen Ball
Judith Benjamin
Ellen P. Bick
Vicki Blier
Jeannie Calello
Alison Clapp
Sandra Cramer
Maryann Ford
Anne Gelbspan
Nancy Gilson
Pamela Harris
Marilyn Haynes
Cathy Heller
Beth Kemler
Corinne Paulsen
Deborah Shapiro
Burnell Singleton
Bernard Spencer
Christine Spencer
Dianne Thompson*
Howie Tuttman
Philistine Waters
Lee Williams
Bill Zall
*Denotes Site Team Leader
Casting a spotlight on Michelle Roman
“When you’re reading with these kids, it’s not just making literacy games. It’s also a relationship. It’s the confidence that you’re building in them. That’s what makes all the difference.”
— Michelle Roman, Volunteer Literacy Coach
Michelle Roman has always been a champion of early childhood education and literacy. After serving as a tutor for another organization, Michelle found herself searching for more innovative methods and dedicated student support. She began tutoring at the Blackstone School where Michelle said Literations impressed her with its focus on continuous training and support. “Literations has always followed the research … they keep on modifying and tweaking and improving the programs. I feel like I’m always learning.”
An ambitious self-starter by nature, Michelle soon found ways to become even more involved with Literations. She and fellow volunteer Deb Carrow began playing word games with students in addition to the conventional flashcard methods for teaching, in a system still used by volunteers today. She became a member of Literations Board of Directors, as well as chair of the program committee—opportunities Michelle considered rewarding and enlightening for her work as a Literacy Coach. “It gave me a broader view of the organization,” said Michelle. “My respect for the organization grew because I could see more aspects–and what I saw, I liked … You really saw the reasons why decisions are made, and the obstacles faced.”
A recent move out of state unfortunately required Michelle’s resignation from the board and volunteering, but her commitment to Literations and supporting youth literacy has continued. She still serves with the Program Committee, has been working with some students virtually, and has even begun volunteering as a Literacy Coach with our partners in the DC area. “When you look at the newspapers, it seems like everything’s bad, but when you’re with a child … I needed that positive outlook,” Michelle shared with us.
When she shares one of her most cherished memories, it’s easy to see why.
“I saw [one boy I previously worked with] at the end of a [year of work with him], right before the pandemic hit. And he saw me, and he came running. He just gave me a big bear hug. I will remember him for the rest of my life.”
Individual supporters
Thank you to all of our supporters for partnering with us in FY 2021 (July 1, 2020 - June 30, 2021).
With your help we impacted students throughout the Greater Boston area—and we’re on our way to serving more.
With the generosity of our community of 446 individual donors (including individuals who contributed to our annual event), we saw 590 donations during the fiscal year, making for a combined revenue of $351,256 — 22% of our total operating budget.
These individual donations represent more than dollars. They reflect the passionate commitment of all our friends, volunteers, parents, and staff members as they work with us to make an impact on students throughout Greater Boston. Along with our 8 anonymous donors, we share with you their names alphabetically below, to celebrate their passion and fully capture the strength of our donor community.
Barbara Adner
Kevin Alexander
Halleigh Amsden
Ruth Andrews
Rodrigo Antonio
John and Dorothy Aram
Teresa and John Athas
Randall Atkin
Olesya Baker and Gabriel Lopez-Calva
Scott Balicki
Laurie Baldwin
Margaret and Andy Barhite
Edward and Jo Ann Baszkiewicz
Rodjyna Beauvile
David Bertochi
Lisa Besen
Brian and Sarah Bhuta
Ellen P. Bick
Susan Bisaillon and Holly Goodale
Esther Blanchard
Libby Blank
Vicki Blier
George Blount
Steven Blum and Betty Davidson Blum
Doris AnaLee Bock
Jonathan Bornstein
AnnMarie Borovik
Lina Botero
Beth Boucher
Kyle Boucher
Donna Bowden
Jennifer Bowen Flynn
Bernard Braudis
Megan Brigaman
Joanne Briody
Katherine Brodoff
Kathryn Brown
Edward Bullister
Noreen Burdett
Barbara Burg
Bridget Butterworth
Kathleen Byron
David Cahan and Salwa Fam
Alberto and Bertha Calvo
Salvatore and Barbara Cammarata
Erin Camosse
Kurt Carberry
Charles and Linda Cardillo
Deborah and Grant Carrow
Joshua Carver
Gloria Cassey
Kimberly Chantel
Jondavid Chesloff
Alyssa Chesney
Valerie Chesney
Michele Chiappini
Pamela Civins
Joanne Clark and Charles Clark III
Leslie Clyne-DeCicco
John Coburn
Amy Cohan
Marjorie Cohan
Cathy Cohen
Marissa Cole
Marguerite Collins
Jaime Colon
Bill and Maryellen Concannon
John Conley
Rahiel Bernard and Kearthton Cooke
Kevin Cornelius
Cynthia Ann Cornelius
Eboni Cornelius
Kerwin Cornelius
Kennette Cornelius
Carl Corey
Elaine and George Cox
Sandra Cramer
Julie Crockford
Jane and William Cullinan
Martha Curtis
Thomas and Louise Cushman
Lisa and Steve Dalberth
Karen Dale
Morgan and Rita Daly
Gwynn Dambly
Amy and Jock Danforth
Vera De Jesus
Marilyn and Donald Dean
Michelle Decosta
Salvatore DeMartinis
Ellen Demers
Marni Dente
Rosemarie and Donald DeRosa
Jean Desmond
Michael Devereaux
Gretchen Dietz
Dorice Dionne
Brianne DiPersio
Janice Dolnick
Virginia Dorne
Turahn Dorsey
Colleen Downie and Bryan Lamoreau
Joseph Dudish
Chris and Amelia Edelman
Nina El-Tobgy
Carol Engel
Wes and Kate Enicks
Emily Enicks
Kimberly Enicks
Charles Enicks II and Kathleen Enicks
Saskia Epstein
Jeremy Ericson
Patricia Evans and Charles Schuerhoff
Suzanne and Clinton Federspiel
Julie Fentin
Sharlene and Richard Finkel
Doreen and Peter Finnegan
Tara and Corey Finnegan
Leslie Fishman
Maria Flanagan
Sue and Paul Flynn
Kathleen Flynn Woodland and John Woodland
Gem Forde
Sonja Formato
Cheryl Fortier
Ellen and Jerry Fox
Barry Freeman
Christopher Furcolo
Kathryn Gagnon
Dave Gainey
Thomas and Jeannette Galvin
Tori and Javier Garcea-Albea
Helen Garretson
Pearl Gayle
Regina Gigliello
Joan Gilbert
Anne and Michael Glanz
Don and Maxine Goldberg
Amy and Howard Goldman
Jeanne Granfield
Arthur and Jane Greenfield
Nicole Grogran
Debra Groomes
Gina Grotelueschen
Rebecca Grover
Saundra Haley
Thomas and Jane Hamel
Russel Hamilton
John and Jill Hamilton
Diana Hammer
Patricia Harris
Deborah Harrow
Edward Hasecke
Frederick Hasecke
Jack and Mary Beth Hayes
Smiler Haynes
Cathy Heller
Andrea Kalsow and Charles Henneberry
Kathy and Edward Hershfield
McLeod Hite
Leah Hoang
Eileen and Arthur Hogan
Christine Holley
Chrissy and Steve Holt
The Hornik Family
Dorothy Hurley
Casey and Caitlin Hurley
Cornelius Hurley
Sean Hutchison
Barbara Hylton
Raymond and Pamela Ilg
Marilyn B. Jackson
Susan Jean
Louise Johnson
Joana Johnson-Smith
Karen Jones
Elaine Randolph Jones
Susan Kahn, PhD and Daniel Kirschner
Shannon Kalsow
Carol and Alan Kamin
Ellen Kaplan
Jonathan Kappel and Carol Bolton Kappel
Jerrold and Claire Kashuck
Kelly and Robin Kavanagh
Robert Keefe
Diane and George Kelley
Jim Kelley
Ed Kelly
Beth Kemler
Richard Kertzman
Kristan and David Khtikian
Lisa Kimler
Diana Kinch
Noelle King
Colette King
Ilana Klarman Xuman
Lenore Kline
John Ritz and Carol Kochman
James Kosa
Emily Kubik
Gail Laffer
Gerry Lake
Carol Lammers
Ingrid Langham
Joan Lanzerio
Patricia Larts
Caitlin Layng
Elaine Lee
David Leonard and Cuong Hoang
Nonie Lesaux and Scott Furlong
Sam Liang
Sarah and Don Libbey
Patricia Lombard
Joan and Beirne Lovely
Elizabeth and Justin MacNeil
Bob and Kathleen Mahoney
Gregory Mailloux
Heidi and Ross Mair
Suchita Malik
Sally Marrer and Stephen Langlois
Ryan Marston
Carol Martin
Joanne Mathis
Megan McBryde
Taidgh McClory
Daniel McConvey
Christine McDaniel
Walter McDonald
Jennifer McGaffigan
Meagan McGee
Daniel McGinnis and John Oullette
Estella Mabrey
Erin McGrath
William and Barbara McMahon
Marjorie McMeo
Eileen McNamara and Peter C. May
Craig Melzer
Annette Mercurio
Daniel Meyer
Kathleen Milligan
Amy Misner
Scott Moen
Wai-Chi Mok
Stephen Morain
Elizabeth and Keith Morgan
Kendra Mrozek
Amy Murphy and Keith Fox
Michael and Sarah Murray
David and Denise Murray
Elizabeth Murray
Callahan Murray
Law Murray
Sarah Murray
Andrea Myers
Rem and Susan Myers
Christina Nee
Richard Noonan
Judy Norris
Peter Noyes
Eamon O’Brien
David O'Brien
Mary and Mike O'Donnell
Thomas O'Malley and Beverly Arsem
Carolyn Orfanella
Ralph Ormes
Valerie Ostrower
Michael and Casey Paliulis
Elizabeth Parker
Mary ParrisEmily Paul
Corinne Paulsen
Phil and Carolyn Perelmuter
Anne Peretz
Wendy Perlman and Peter Antoszyk
Brian Pham
Nancy Pierce
Anita Poss
Roselyn Powers
Khita Pottinger-Johnson
Anandi Pratap
Claire Ola Pulliam
Christina Quarles
Yvonne Quinama
Nicole Rebori
Donna Redd
Paul Reville
Lana Rich
Chad and Julie Riedy
Cheryl Rivers
Lindsay Robinson
Wade Rodgers
Michelle Roman and Chris Stix
Laura Rooney
Catherine Root
Lindsey Rosen
Patricia Roth
Amy Roth
Beth Rubenstein
Richard and Winnie Rubino
Rosemarie Rubino
Ryan Rubino
Jamie Rubino Moore
Julia Ruiz
Sarah S Smith
Tracey Sacco
Lynn Barenberg and Harvey Salgo
Tom Sander and Laura Carter Sander
Robin Sanders and Brendan Burns
Judy Burt Saraco
David Sargent
Cecelia Schieve
Donna Schiller
Austin Schofield
Kathleen and Christopher Schweitzer
Terry Schweitzer
Deborah Segal
Karin Segal
Ann Seligsohn
Catherine Shaffer
Eugene Sheehan
Nancy Siegel
Steven Siegel
Barry and Carmen Sitler
Katherine Small
Peri Smilow and Budd Mishkin
Stanley Smith
Fred and Martha Smith
Patricia Smith and Dorothy Otani Smith
William Snyder
Elizabeth Soares Tully
Gonca Sonmez-Poole
Alanna and Marc Spada
Rosanna Speller
Norma Steinberg
Janet Stewart
Alfreda Stokes
Cheryl Studley-Straut
Margaret Sullivan
Julieann Tamayo
Alicia Tapper
Jack and Debbie Tatelman
Jamie and Meredith Tedford
Ann Teixeira
Jane Thompson
Carl Thompson
Mark Tierney
Dorothy Tobias
Michael Tobin
Catherine Tocci
Alissa Tofias
Kathleen Toland
Peter and Geraldine Toland
Kenneth Tower
Steve and Donna Tritman
Jennifer Tsolas
Theresa Tucci and John Saxe
Kathleen Tucker
Katherine Tully
Dustin Turner
Paige Tweedy
Nina Vansuch
Regina Ventre
Rachel Vingsness
Don Voner
Dave and Sara Walden
Mary Walker
Kate Walsh and Erik Garpestad
Rosemary Walton
Christine Warren
Joan Wasser Gish
Josephine Watson
Tom and Sarah Weber
Robert Weber
Jonathan Weber
Christian Weber
Sonia West-Raye
William and Megan White
Phoebe Whitwell
Michael Wilens and Carolyn Longacre
Tonya Wiley-Robinson
John and Rainy Wilkins
Lyndsay Wilkinson
Lynne Willets
Maureen Willett
Zachary Williams
Linda Willis
David L. G. Wilson
William and Jane Wolff
Jennie Woo
Roxanne Workmon
Regina Wright
Stephen and Patricia Wright
Deborah Wrighton-Wex
Jordan Yellen
Mariann and Andrew Youniss
Yuri Zimenkov
In Memory of Donald
Nicholas and Barbara Campagna
Sandra and Randy Chapman
Deborah Coogan
Paul Cusack (who also would like to remember Bill Baina)
Christopher Grace
Tracy Grandeau
Lindsay and Garth Greimann
Joseph Guertin
Mary Gunn and Susan Berliner
Susan and Bill Hadge
Linda and Samuel Migdole
Peter and Lou Mitchell
Debra Peck
Carolyn Perlow
Laura Rothenberg
Jayne Rutherford
Cynthia Shulman
Nancy and Maurice Torti
Robin Weinberger
Gerald and Lynn Yaffe
In Memory of Helen Gormley, and Honoring Dr. Jennifer Potter
Elizabeth Breen
Noreen Burdett
Barbara Cunio
William Dever
Elizabeth Di Maria
Mary Ann Donnelly
Lauren Dunn
Maureen Flanagan
Mary Gormley
Don and Andrea Griebner
Cynthia Guise
Claire and Edward Hunt
Laura Kessler
Catherine MacKenzie
Bonnie Moscato
James Moscato
Jim and Shauna O'Leary
Joseph and Margaret O'Neill
Bernadette and William Parsloe
John Pasquale
Simone Rogan
Ada and Alan Rosmarin
Janet and John Sheehan
John and Bonnie Studley
Robert and Donna Tippo
Eric Watson
Elizabeth and Scott Wood
The Zimmermann Family
Michael Zullas
In Memory of Katherine Kriedberg
Margaret Daly and Patrice Baril
Steven Kriedberg
In Memory of Carol R.
Sheila Jackson
In Memory of Norman Shack
William Shack
In Memory of Murial Snowden
Newell and Kate Flather
In Memory of Robert Usen, our former board member
Ginny Usen
Institutional partners
A special thank you to our partners
In order to continue serving students during Fiscal Year 2021, Literations had to be adaptable and creative. Our shift to virtual programming would not have been possible without the flexibility of our institutional partners. We would like to give special thanks to all of our partners who provided emergency funding, released funds early, provided funding for virtual program technology needs, and removed restrictions from grants. Literations is grateful to have partners that stepped up during this unprecedented year to ensure that our community’s youngest readers remained supported.
AARP Foundation Experience Corps
AARP of Massachusetts
Boston Celtics Shamrock Foundation
Bushrod H. Campbell & Adah F. Hall Charity Fund
Charles H. Cross Charitable Foundation
CHT Foundation
Cummings Foundation
Deborah Munroe Noonan Memorial Fund
Donley Foundation
East Boston Savings Bank
Eastern Bank Charitable Foundation
First Republic Bank
Frederick E. Weber Charities Corp.
Highland Street Foundation
Kraft Family Foundation
Liberty Mutual Foundation
Ludcke Foundation
Paul and Edith Babson Foundation
People's United Community Foundation
Ramsey McCluskey Family Foundation
Rowland Foundation
Salem Five Charitable Foundation
Smith Sullivan & Brown, P.C.
Target Giving Circle
The Devereaux Charitable Foundation Trust
Wellington Management Company LLP
William E. Schrafft & Bertha E. Schrafft Charitable Trust
Government Grants
City of Boston Age Strong Commission
Corporation for National and Community Service
Department of Justice, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention
Mass Mentoring Partnership
In-Kind Donations
Fish & Richardson P.C.
FY21 audited financials
July 1, 2020 - June 30, 2021
Government grants | $334,430 |
Private grants | $503,000 |
Individuals | $231,462 |
Event (net) | $119,794 |
In-kind donations | $145,766 |
Earned revenue | $78,161 |
Other income, PPP | $200,902 |
Total | $1,613,515 |
Virtual Literacy Program | $971,982 |
Active Aging | $63,203 |
Administrative | $252,720 |
Fundraising | $232,672 |
Total | $1,520,577 |
Surplus/ (Deficit) | $92,937 |
Staff and board leadership
Learn more about our dedicated staff and leadership here.
Sarah Batista-Pereira, Development and Events Manager
Alyssa Chesney, Operations Associate
CynthiAnn Cornelius, Office Team Leader
Jesse Ellis, Volunteer Coordinator
Wes Enicks, Executive Director
Jen Bowen Flynn, Deputy Director
Lisa Higgins, M.Ed, Program Manager
Leah Hoang, Director of Human Resources and Operations
Michaela MacQuarrie, Program Coordinator
Meagan McGee, Institutional Relations Coordinator
Rosalia Morel, Program Coordinator
Venecia Mumford, Program Manager
Eveian Salmon, Database Coordinator
Liz Yanishevsky, Recruitment and Training Specialist
Board of Directors
George Blount
Amy Danforth, Board Vice-Chair
Tara Finnegan, Board Chair
Megan McBryde, Treasurer/Clerk
Barbara McMahon
Wai-chi Mok
Julieann Tamayo
Tom Weber
Bill Wolff